2013-2015: Seven Words

Year-long collaborative research with the Metropolitan Museum of Arts’ Print and Drawing Department and Media Department. Commissioned in 2013 and subsequently invited back in 2015 due to its scholarly and artistic impact, “Seven Words” was a visual adaptation and scholarly research project that response to Haydn’s composition, “Seven Last Words of Christ On the Cross” (1786). The project embarked on a recontextualization of seven rare manuscripts, each of which intricately captures one of Christ’s final expressions on the cross.

This collaborative venture was based on a network of research institutions including The Met’s Medieval Art department at The Cloisters, The Met’s African Arts Department, The Jewish Theological Seminary, and St. Catherine Monastery in Sinai,establishing an interconnected scholarly dialogue and amplifying the depth of research into the subject matter.

The final presentation drew over 2000 attendees across its showcases. Its enduring significance reverberated through various platforms associated with MetLife, alongside a collection of publications and recordings, reinforcing its lasting influence within the artistic sphere. The project not only celebrated artistic expression but also enriched the academic discourse by forging interdisciplinary connections across diverse historical and cultural domains.

Research outcomes:

·     Collaborative research:Year-long collaboration with the Metropolitan Museum’s departments gained recognition in 2013 and a re-invitation in 2015 due to its profound scholarly and artistic impact.

·     Network and collaboration: Collaboration with esteemed institutions involving The Met’s Cloisters and African Arts Departments, JTS, and St. Catherine Monastery.

·     Audience Engagement:Final showcases drew over 2000 attendees, resonating notably within MetLife platforms and publications, enhancing the project’s lasting influence.