2018-2024: Leaking Lands
This artistic research was conducted in parallel to the theoretical writing about Digital Afterness, focusing on the digital remains following Brazil’s Museu Nacional major fire in 2018. The event of the fire is not only conceived through the loss and cultural death but also as a way of entering the museum space by engaging in a form of collective, imagined embodiment in the virtual remains of the lost museum. Engaging the digital remains "with practice״, they no longer work in relation to recognizable knowledge structures but instead produce ״ruptures and affects within the map of knowledge" (Rogoff, 2021). As artistic research, Leaking Land acted like a "digital séance," where I use the digital remains of Brazil’s Museu Nacional as sites of intervention. The work considers the digital collection as the multi-sited meta-collection enacted through conversations and collaborations with many stakeholders, from former employees to data activists and dance makers. Leaking Lands is an invitation to rehearse how to be witnesses of the digital remains and their affective sediments.