2008-2010: Dreams and Dramas

“Dreams and Dramas” is an enthralling series of video installations intricately integrated within the architectural framework of museums. This networked project unfolds through a collection of site-specific “video haiku/gestures,” where the artist engages with the preexisting architectural elements as canvases for her artistic expression. Through the use of video projection, Cnaani aims to reframe and redefine the familiar spaces we assume to know, creating entirely new physical and psychological encounters within these environments. These interventions comprise concise yet evocative poetic videos, meticulously crafted to suit each location, with the intention of provocatively reconsidering and reshaping the physical, historical, and social contexts inherent within these spaces.

Research outcome:

·     Exhibition: 10 site-specific installations in 10 museums of contemporary art in Lombardy Region, Italy, including: Palazzo delle Stelline, Milano; Museum de Novecento, Milano; Gamec, Bergamo; Museo Bodini, Gemonio; MAGA, Gallarate; Galleria del Premio Suzzara; Villa Panza at Varese; Museo d’Arte Moderna Contemporanea, Mantua.

·     Publication: Twister: rete musei Lombardia per l’arte contemporanea; [3 ottobre 2009 - 31 gennaio 2010, Regione Lombardia]. Cinisello Balsamo (Milano): Silvana, 2010.

·     Audience engagement: The 10 installations were open for 9 months, drawing approximately 20,000 visitors.